I am in Alison Hall. The home to all Apparel Design majors. We sew all night. I came downstairs from room 305 to 205 for a moment of sanity. Before, I was fraying red strips of fabric to place into the pintucks of a vest that will look like it came from an ethnic, outlandish adventure.
I had to get away for a second and pray. There were more than a few girls in my apparel design major sewing away, and making more progress than me. Then Maddie accidentally cut into her bodice while she was cutting out a pair of pants. She wasn't supposed to cut there, and she spent many hours on that bodice the other night. I know, cause I was here with her. She looked like she would go crazy. I felt like I would go crazy along with her. I couldn't touch her, I thought she might explode like a landmine. My whole body is scrunched up inside like what a gathering stitch does to fabric when pulled its tightest. It's a chaotic and unnerving feeling that was only made worse by being in Al Hall 305 and listening to pumping techno music. And not getting much done.
When I need to get things done, and I am not....I know that there is something that I forgot.
A good constant reminder for myself: lest I lose my head....
I cannot do any of the things that I am gifted for without the loving,
outstretched hand of my Father who gives me all His strength and
love and success. The Holy Spirit is the One who does it.
All of this, is a gift. And if the Lord will bless me now, when I
call out to Him - then everything I do now in my work will praise
Him. HOORAY. Now Lord, please give me your peace.